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Add discounts for payments

Reduce the amount charged to a customer by discounting their total due amount by a certain %, based on their NFT assets ownership.

Discounts with crypto payments power great flexibility over fiat and can be used to power multiple new use cases like,

  • Rewarding loyal users of your community/brand/product based on their NFT ownership
  • Powering buy-to-redeem commerce by giving near 100% discount to customers if they hold the required NFTs
  • Discounts overall converts users & drives more sales while providing backlink for users to join your community

Finding the right Collection ID

Whether ownership based discounts is being provided for a CandyMachine Collection or 1/1 Master Edition NFTs, we need to find the NFT's first verified creator address, which we call Collection ID in order to power this feature on checkout powered by HelloMoon, a CandyPay partner!

The process to find NFT's verified creator address is pretty straightforward,

  • Open the NFT address on Solscan explorer
  • Visit the Metadata tab here
  • Under the Creators array, the first address with verified value as 1 is what we'll need to further power this feature.

⚡ Note, only use the creator address whose verified value is 1

Creator Address with verified value as 1

Configure discounts while creating session

To add discounts in checkout, we need to configure the session module and pass the discounts object. The discounts object is passed uniquely on creation of each session, this gives merchants the flexibilty to power dynamic discounts, with dynamic data around the discount %, NFT collection to verify ownership for, etc.

The params for discounts object are as follows,

  • collection_id: The first creator address of the NFT, with verified value as 1
  • discount: Percentage of discount to be deducted from the total due amount, depicted in decimals. For a 20% discount, merchants need to pass 0.2, for a 75% discount 0.75 will be passed and respectively
  • name: Name of the NFT to show customers on the checkout page
  • image: Image of the NFT to show customers on the checkout page
    const response = await sdk.session.create({
      success_url: `${process.env.STATIC_URL}/success`,
      cancel_url: `${process.env.STATIC_URL}/cancel`,
      tokens: ["dust", "samo"], 
      items: [
          name: "Solana Shades",
          price: 0.1, // price in USD
          image: "",
          quantity: 1,
          size: "9", // optional product size param
       discounts: { 
          discount: 0.2,
          name: "LILY NFT",

This way merchants can add discounts for payments on the checkout page, where holders of the provided NFT collection gets privilege to pay a discounted price, if transacted with a wallet they are holding NFTs in, meanwhile wallets without the required NFTs can transact for the total due amount.